If you ever ask me why I want to marry you, here's why... I've wanted to marry you since the very first day. The very first day I wanted to know everything about you; what makes you tick, what makes you smile. I wanted to marry you because you are the first person I want to see when I wake up and the only forehead I want to kiss goodnight. I've wanted to marry you because the first time, you held my hand, I couldn't imagine not holding it for the rest of my life. And when you told me you loved me and I knew you meant it, it was sweeter than any song I've ever heard. I could hear it a million times and it could never get old. The song lyrics, I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow are a lie. The day I knew I loved you, I was all in, I loved you with every fiber in my being. I will never be able to love you more than I do today, then I did that day, than I will tomorrow. that's an impossible feat. you're my person, my love. A few years back God spoke to me and said "I'm sending you to a man who needs to learn to love and needs to feel love the right way; what it feels like when it's true and when it stays, he will teach you to live again. but you need to teach him to love again." so I let him choose you for me and me for you. I can't promise that dark clouds will never hover over our lives or that our future will bring us an abundant amount of rainbows. I can't promise you that tomorrow will be perfect and that life will be easy. I can however, promise you my devotion, my loyalty, my respect and my unconditional love for our lifetime. I can promise you that I will always be here for you, to listen to you and to hold your hand, and I'll do my best to make you happy and feel loved all the days of your life and mine. I can promise I will see you through any crisis and pray with you and dream with you and build with you. I will always cheer you on and encourage you. I can promise you that I will willingly be your protector, not because you are weak but because you are important. I promise to be your advisor, your counselor, your family, your best friend, your everything. I promise all of this to you. and if I could ask you to make a promise to me in return; it is to live at least one minute longer than me, so I never have to know what it feels like to live without you. 20 years, 30 years, 40 years, will never be long enough. It will never be long enough to show you all of the love that I have for you. But I will spend each and every one of those 20, 30, 40 years trying my hardest to show you, if you'll let me. I love you babe.